How to Act Like a Professional in the Workplace

Professionalism in the workplace is not just about donning an expensive suit or climbing to the top rung of the corporate ladder. Professionalism is the culmination of appearance, actions and making the right decisions when it counts the most. To act professional in the workplace, determine where you want to go and emulate the actions of those who have made it there with respect and dignity.

Be Reliable

Punctuality is an important trait of a workplace professional. Arrive early to start the workday and always be on time for meetings and work-related social engagements. Complete assignments ahead of deadline while inquiring about the next available task. Perfect the ability to multi task  Devour training opportunities that will keep skill levels above the competent level and ahead of the curve. Earn the reputation as the person to go to when the job needs to get done and it needs to get done right.

Be Polished

A true professional in the workplace dresses the part, speaks the part and acts the part. Come to work well-groomed with attire that is clean, pressed and in good condition. Communication skills are paramount. The benefits of a public speaking course will last throughout your career. Learn proper etiquette for all social situations. Your actions and appearance reflect your workplace. Do everything you can to make your company proud.

Practice the Golden Rule

  • Professionalism in the workplace is evidenced by the way you treat others, including management, peers, customers and vendors. A professional is known for honesty and integrity. It's the recognition of a peer's accomplishment and giving credit where credit is due. It's presenting a customer with a win/win sale that is fair and equitable to both parties. It's fair and honest negotiations with a vendor, recognizing his worth while making a good deal for your company. It's the display of respect for a manager who mentored you and taught you the ropes. It is the golden rule: treating others as you wish to be treated.

Join the Team

  • Teamwork is the basis for success in any workplace. A true workplace professional is always willing to carry his weight, share ideas and pitch in to help other team members as needed. A professional team player takes the initiative to recognize the efforts and accomplishments of other team members while remaining humble about his own. He also avoids gossip and office rumor mills at all costs.

Glass Half Full

  • A workplace professional exemplifies a positive attitude. Though the workplace can be stressful, the professional focuses on ways to move forward and succeed by overcoming obstacles. When there is a crisis, find the silver lining and create strategic plans to prevent a recurrence. A workplace professional learns from mistakes and errors, then shares learned best practices to keep his company moving forward. Maintain an essence of pride in your workplace and speak highly of its accomplishments.

Be a Leader

  • Workplace professionals are natural-born leaders. Rise to the occasion and utilize your skills to teach others. Give back to your community through volunteerism and support charitable organizations as you are financially able. Chart a career path and follow through on each successive goal. When you reach the top, remember those who helped you get there.