Today, I'm up with a new post on How to trace an IP address..remember that NOT only I.T student or Com-sci or any computer related course can do this as long you know how to analyse, read and understand what should gonna do OK? Take note! never under estimate Electrical Engineering course!..

Reverse DNS lookup

DNS is basically a tool for converting hostnames (like which humans can understand, to IP addresses, which the machines when you type in your browser, the browser performs a DNS lookup to find the IP address so that it can communicate with the host, so the browser contacts the DNS server throught you ISP and looks for the IP conversion.

On the other hand, a reverse DNS lookup does the opposite of a DNS lookup and finds the IP address of that specific hostname and that is what we will use.But there are some cons to using revers DNS lookup some of them being: it does not always work, does not display as nuch information as some other methods and its foolproof because it may sometimes display false information.

NOTE: (Reverse) DNS lookup is also used by crackers/hackers to find information on their target company, for example IP addresses, contact information (for social engineering) and lots more information. It is also by white hats (sapianon) hehe just kidding...white-hats also known as an Ethical Hackers. As tha crackers may leave vital IP addresses behind which may lead to their apprehension.

Guys i will send you one great web based service for DNS queries..It allows users to perform DNS and reverse lookup.

For more info just send me your email and your password..hahaha just kidding!